Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kentucky Romance Writers meeting...

I know! Crazy! Two posts in one day!

Yesterday was our regularly scheduled KYRWA meeting, in Lexington. We only had about 8 people show up this month, but we did have two newcomers. Hello Sherry and Crystal!!!
Pictured from left to right are Amy, Saundra, Kathy, Sherry, Crystal, Jenny and Glenda.
Thank you Amy and Glenda for the Nationals recap!


  1. The picture turned out good! It was so good to see everyone and hang out with other writers!

  2. Yep. Always gets me more energized!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful welcome. I really enjoyed being in your company. I left feeling excited to write.

  4. I know! I do the same thing. Go to the meeting, then can't wait to leave to get writing. Glad you came.
