Monday, March 1, 2010

Rejection, rejection...

Today is a momentous day in the life of an aspiring author.I am officially in the club. I just received my first rejection. Months ago, heck, I think it was maybe August, Resplendence had a call for law-enforcement themed short stories. I whipped one up, and re-worked it, and re-re-worked it, let a few people read it, before finally sending it in. Honestly, I hadn't heard back from anybody, so I had already assumed it wasn't right for them.

I'm not too broken up about it. Since I sent the manuscript in, I've reworked it even more, and it is such a better story now. Better conflict, better sex, better dialogue. So, Ms. Everhardt, I think you made the right decision. But thank you for officially letting me know.

Although, if you want a look at the updated version, you've got my e-mail...

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